Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In Just 2 Days We Have...

We explored these Essential Science Questions:

3rd Grade: How can you measure length?

4th Grade: How do scientists collect and use data?

5th Grade: What are some types of investigations?

The third grades used measuring tapes, meter sticks, and rulers to measure marked distances.  They recorded their data and drew conclusions about which measuring instrument was most accurate and why.  They practiced measuring in metric units: centimeters and millimeters.

The fourth graders used their research skills to find facts about fireflies and bees.  They are learning how to search for information on the Internet and to record information on google doc.  Check out the sites we used:  www.firefly.org    www.buzzaboutbees.net    

The fifth graders identified 3 types of investigations and gave examples of situations in which each should be used.  Here are the 3 types of investigation: use a model, repeated observation, experiment.  We will use all of these as we continue our studies.

Science is EVERYWHERE!  Science is in the celebration of Rosh HaShanah!  Here are some questions to ponder, investigate, and answer:

        1.Observe:  Once sliced - do red apples turn brown faster then green apples?
        2. Observe:  Does putting honey on apple slices prevent them from turning brown as quickly?
        3. Compare: Does light-colored honey tasted sweeter than dark-colored honey?
        4. Compare:  Does raw honey taste different than processed honey?
        5. Compare:  Do shofars of different sizes create sounds of different pitch?
        6. Research:  How many bees does it take to make 1 cup of honey?
        7. Research: During which phase of the lunar cycle does Rosh HaShannah occur?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Think Like a Scientist!

How do you think like a scientist?  Well... You ask questions, make hypothesis, plan and conduct investigations, make observations, record data, make inferences, draw conclusions, and share results. Scientists use math skills.  Scientists use different tools to assist in making observations and recording data. Scientists notice that science is....EVERYWHERE!

Third Grade:
     We are identifying how we use math skills as scientists.  We practiced measuring length in centimeters, identified the tools used to measure mass, volume, weight, length, time and temperature, and discussed the use of metric measurement and customary units of measurement.  We identified and explained cause/effect relationships.

Fourth Grade:
     We identified ways to think like a scientist, practiced using math skills as scientists, and reviewed the process of scientific investigation.  We conducted an investigation: "Rain, Rain, Come Again".  In this investigation, we created rain gauge and measured rainfall.  Of course, the day of the experiment was not a rainy day.  So, we simulated rain clouds (spray bottles) and set times (15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds), recorded our data, made inferences, drew conclusions, and compared our results.

Fifth Grade:
     We used math skills as scientists to create a bar graph of preferred weather.  We conducted a "Think Like Scientists" investigation to determine which nozzle will launch a balloon the farthest.  We defined and identified the 3 types of scientific investigations: experiments, repeated observation, and using models.

There is no science homework this week.

Science is everywhere!  Students who are interested in exploring more science topics are encouraged to engage in independent study projects.  These projects will be set up for individual students based on his/her interests and the science curriculum.  All projects are to be completed at home.  Due dates for projects are flexible, and all work will be extra credit.  If your child is interested in doing an independent study project, please email me: tlerner@torahacademy.org

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NEW Essential Questions!! Amazing Investigations!!

We are having a very exciting week!  We are investigating and answering new essential questions, conducting fascinating investigations, and improving our science skills.

Third Grade: 
     Essential Question: How Can You Use a Model? How Do Scientists Use Tools?
     Investigations: Building , Testing and Modifying Paper Airplanes
                                Using Magnifying Boxes and Hand Lenses to Investigate Items

Fourth Grade:
     Essential Question: What Skills Do Scientists Use?
     Investigation: Pendulum Swing: What Characteristics of a Pendulum Affect its Swing?

Fifth Grade: 
     Essential Question: How do Scientists Learn About the Natural World?
     Investigation:  Origami Weather Prediction

There is no science homework this week.  So, you have some time to make observations, inferences, and ask science questions about things you encounter every day.  Observe!  Infer!  Predict! Ask! Investigate! Conclude! Evaluate!  Conclude!  This week I am challenging you to think like a scientist.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Spectacular Science with Mrs. Lerner.  This is the place for information about the Spectacular 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Science Classes: Big Ideas, Essential Questions, homework assignments, test and quiz dates, project plans, experiment/investigation activities, and class news.

3rd Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists raise questions about Earth and the universe and seek answers to some of them by careful investigation.

Essential Question: How do scientists investigate questions?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete "predictions" worksheet.

4th Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists answer questions about the world around us by carrying out careful investigations.

Essential Question: What do scientists do?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete questions page for textbook pages. 5&7
Wed.: Complete "hypothesis and experiment" page

5th Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists answer questions by careful observations and investigations.

Essential Question: What is science?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete "conclusions and opinions" page.
Wed.: Complete "knowledge grows and math connection" page.