Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Spectacular Science with Mrs. Lerner.  This is the place for information about the Spectacular 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Science Classes: Big Ideas, Essential Questions, homework assignments, test and quiz dates, project plans, experiment/investigation activities, and class news.

3rd Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists raise questions about Earth and the universe and seek answers to some of them by careful investigation.

Essential Question: How do scientists investigate questions?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete "predictions" worksheet.

4th Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists answer questions about the world around us by carrying out careful investigations.

Essential Question: What do scientists do?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete questions page for textbook pages. 5&7
Wed.: Complete "hypothesis and experiment" page

5th Grade:

Big Idea: Scientists answer questions by careful observations and investigations.

Essential Question: What is science?

Homework assignments for the week of Sept. 2-5:

Tues: Complete "conclusions and opinions" page.
Wed.: Complete "knowledge grows and math connection" page.